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Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.


Lecanora albescens (Hoffm.) Branth. & Rostr. forme sur roche calcaire.


Habitat: Ubiquitous


     Thallus fairly thick, crustose, compact or formed of smaller but neighboring thalli, sometimes giving the impression of being lobed at the margin, cracked to areolated, areolas a little rounded or swollen, chalk white, dirty white. Apothecia very numerous in compact groups on the thallus which they can cover entirely, sessile and protruding but sometimes, especially at the beginning, a little submerged in the thallus, 0.5-2 mm, flat disc, sometimes a little convex if old or concave so moist, pale pinkish-brown, light brown so dry, but most often so moist with an opaline or alabaster appearance: gray, grayish-greenish, celadon, cream, etc. sometimes a little pruinose in white, abundant margin very clear and very visible, erect, sinuous to a little crenate, white or concolorous with the thallus. Utriform asci, 45-50 x 15-20 µm according to our measurements. Simple spores, largely elliptical, 8-15 x 4-6 µm according to the literature, 9-12 x 4-5 according to our measurements. Photobiont: Trebouxia. C-, K-, KC-, P- but sometimes margin of apothecia P + orange, UV- or sometimes apothecia UV + green. Species very variable according to its substrate and its habitat, very nitrophilic and resistant to pollution, not especially maritime, but which seems to have maritime taxa, coming most often on calcareous or slightly acidic sunny rocks but also on old walls, the concrete and particularly by the sea on old blockhaus, sometimes on fiber cement, which is rarer on bark, wood, artificial substrates. N.B. Easy to confuse with Myriolecis (Lecanora) dispersa grp. with a smaller thallus, greyish or blackish and with more dispersed apothecia, also with Myriolecis (Lecanora)  bandolensis thermophilic maritime species coming on much rarer limestone rocks whose apothecia discs are strongly stained with more or less dark green and which are not translucent in humid weather and also with Lecanora salina with smaller apothecia and which comes in the area of ​​Hydropunctaria (Verrucaria) maura. N.B. Apothecia sometimes parasitized by Arthonia apotheciorum they then turn black.

Here we present some forms:

Myriolecis (Lecanora) albescens forme lignicole lignicolous form which occurs on wood worked by the sea and in particular on wrecks of wooden boats.

Myriolecis (Lecanora) albescens forme corticole form which occurs on the bark of the trees in particular of the trees of alignment in city in the polluted zones.

Myriolecis (Lecanora) albescens forme sur béton that comes on the concrete.


Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens Ardennes
Jacques HAINE

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens sur roche calcaire L'Aber 1
Michel DAVID

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens sur roche calcaire L'Aber 2
Michel DAVID

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens L'Aber 1

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens L'Aber 2

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens sur roche calcaire L'Aber Rozan 2

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens sur roche calcaire L'Aber Rozan 1

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens sur roche calcaire L'Aber 3
Michel DAVID

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens Ardennes 2
Jacques HAINE

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens Coupe apothécie eau Ardennes 3
Jacques HAINE

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens Asques Bleu Coton Ardennes 4
Jacques HAINE

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens Asque Lugol Ardennes 5
Jacques HAINE

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens Spores eau Ardennes 6
Jacques HAINE

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens sur roche calcaire Le Toulinguet 1

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens sur roche calcaire Le Toulinguet 2

Myriolecis albescens (Hoffm.) Sliwa, Zhao Xin & Lumbsch forme sur roche calcaire.

Lecanora albescens forme sur roche calcaire Landévennec 1

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