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Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.


Myriospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Hepp


Habitat: Montane


      Thallus formed of large scales strongly fixed on the substrate and forming areolas arranged in line, in rosette or scattered, areolas flat with rounded or angular edges, the coloring varies according to the iron content of the substrate: bright red-orange, red, brick red, to reddish brown, rusty brown. Apothecia immersed in the thallus by 2-6 towards the center of the squamules, visible in the form of a small puncture-shaped depression revealing a disc darker than the thallus, margin not visible because included in the thallus. Asci containing up to 200 spores, 75-100 x 24-33 µm according to our measurements. Elliptical spores, colorless, 3-4 x x 1-2 µm according to the literature, 3-4 x 1.5-2 µm according to our measurements. Photobiont: chlorococcal. No significant color chemical reactions. Species with mountain tendencies coming on the siliceous rocks rich in iron or in metals, often in the company of the species coming in the same habitat like: Tremolecia atrata, Rhizocarpon oederi, Lecidea silacea. N.B. Indicated in the slate quarries of the Monts d'Arré but not found.

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Monthermé 1
Jacques HAINE

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Monthermé 2
Jacques HAINE

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Monthermé 3
Jacques HAINE

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Monthermé 4
Jacques HAINE

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Monthermé 5
Jacques HAINE

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Asque eau Monthermé 6
Jacques HAINE

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Asques Bleu Coton Monthermé 7
Jacques HAINE

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Spores Bleu Coton Monthermé 8
Jacques HAINE

Acarospora sinopica (Wahlenb.) Körb.

Acarospora sinopica Spores Eau Monthermé 9
Jacques HAINE

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