Ramalina fraxinea var. ampliata Ach.
Ramalina fraxinea (L.) Ach. morpho. ampliata
Ramalina fraxinea f. ampliata (Ach.) Anders.
Thallus more or less pendent 4-8 cm, formed of 2-3 very large lobes, in "bat wing" 3-5 (6) cm wide, fairly rigid with a rough surface finely wrinkled or furrowed, greenish, greenish-gray. Apothecia in general numerous, laminal and lateral, at first in a small urn then quickly sessile and even relatively stipite. Kidney-shaped spores, 12-16 x 4-6 µm according to our measurements. C-, K-, KC-, P-. Thermophilic form with Mediterranean tendencies coming on the bark of trees rather hills and small mountains.