Ramalina pusilla Duby
Thallus in a small globular bush, 2-3 cm high, formed of narrow, short and squat branches, more or less cylindrical, hollow or fistulous with a medulla often absent or incomplete, surface a little furrowed and wrinkled, sometimes with perforated furrows, pale greenish gray in weather dry, greenish in humid weather, sometimes with blackish spots of necrosis. Apothecia generally numerous located mainly at the end of the lobes but also on their face, 0.5-0.8 cm in diameter, typically concave and pustular at first then flared to the top of a pseudo-stipe. Hyaline spores a little curved, 1-septate, 10-13 x 4-5 µm. Photobiont: Trebouxia. Medulla: K+ red (sometimes slow), KC+ red, C-, P- according to the French authors, P+ red according to the Italian authors, according to our own findings there seem to be P- and P+ red chemoforms (sometimes slow), UV- or UV+ blue_white. Oceanic and Macaronesian species growing on the bark of trees subjected to the sea winds of the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Macaronesian Islands also in the very windy coastal moors receiving spray from the Pointe de Bretagne.
N.B. "Species" variously interpreted by the authors which would deserve a particular study because it probably comprises several taxa because it probably includes several taxa (at least two according to our findings: P- and P+ red); sometimes considered a wind-adapted form of another species, particularly Ramalina fastigiata but the latter species is K- as are Ramalina fraxinea and Ramalina canariensis
N.B. This species is considered rare or very rare, but this is probably due to the fact that this species is most often collected under the name of Ramalina fastigiata for lack of having practiced the reaction to K.
N.B. As a curiosity see: Ramalina pusilla forme sur cônes de conifères.