Strigula taylorii (Caroll ex Nyl.) R. C. Harris
Porina taylorii (Caroll ex Nyl.) Swinscoww
Porina meliospila (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
Crustose thallus, deeply encrusted in its substrate, more or less cracked and areolated, brown-greyish, olive-greenish when wet, dark brownish when dry. Abundant perithecia, 200-300 µm across at their base, buried only to the fifth into the thallus, more or less conical, complete invocrellum, black. Colorless spores, elliptical, septed once, 19-24 x 4-5 µm, shrunk and fragile at the partition that breaks to give quite often two spores of 9-13 x 3,5-5 µm by separation (even in the ascus!). Presence of two kinds of pycnidia: black macropycnidia of 0,05-0,1 mm diam. giving cylindrical macroconidia of 10-20 x 2-3,5 µm, 0 or 1 time septed and containing oily drops ; black micropycnidia of 0,01-0,05 mm diam. giving fusiform (spindle-shaped) microconidia, simple of 2,5-4 x 1-1,5 mm diam. Photobiont: Trentepohlia. No significant colored chemical reactions. Species uncommon, coming on more or less altered barks, at the basis of trunks of deciduous trees in rain woods and forests. Cf. Porina aenea rather similar, but with different spores, whose can somehow be distinguished in the field by the absence of pycnidia and smoother and less cracked thallus, and Pyrenula chlorospila and Pyrenula macrospora with more hemispherical perithecia and some "pseudocyphellae".*