Physcia dubia var. teretiuscula (Ach.) Clauzade & Cl. Roux
Physcia dubia morpho. teretiuscula
Physcia teretiuscula (Ach.) Lynge
Differs from Physcia dubia var. dubia by its foliose thallus, rosette-shaped, 4-7 cm diam., formed by radiating lobes, narrow, 0.5-1 mm width, very elongated, well separated and not covering each others, relatively convex, whitish upper surface, grey-whitish, not stained, presence of rare marginal soralias at the lobes ends. Apothecia missing or very rare. Photobiont : Trebouxioid. Cortex : K+ yellow ; Medulla : K-. Strong affinities with mountains, growing, often in large colonies, on slightly acid rocks, rare at hill level more common in low, medium and high mountainsin. Cf. Physcia dubia var. dubia with short lobes and wider, crowed on each others with more abundant marginal soralia.