Thallus foliose formed by incised lobes, more or less separated from each other and arranged in a rosette 2-5 cm in diameter strongly attached to its substrate; upper surface of the lobes pale greyish to gray-brownish in dry weather, gray-greenish in wet weather, underside blackish with numerous black rhizines. White medulla turning orange with age. Apothecia usually numerous, sessile, 0.5-1.5 mm in diameter, flat disc, greyish-brown, concolorous margin on the thallus sometimes a little crenate. Spores broadly elliptical, greyish-brown, once septate, 18-24 x 9-11 µm. Photobiont: trebouxioid. Medulla: C-, K-, KC-, P- in the places where it is white but K + purple in the orange places. Species with mountain tendencies coming on rocks or acid bark in the forests of humid ravines.