Thallus crustose, very thick, very wrinkled and cracked surface, the folds can give an appearance of bullous or warty areoles, covered so fresh by a fine bloom, chalk white, whitish, in dry weather, pale bluish gray and tender in weather moist, sometimes a whitish rimmed hypothallus. Apothecia not buried in the thallus, first in an "eye" then more or less sessile, 2-3 mm in diameter, flat disc, brown-black but sometimes greyish with a whitish bloom if fresh, high thalline margin, sinuous and folded towards the inside. Spores broadly elliptical, muriform, blackish-brown, 24-27 x 10-12 µm. Photobiont: Trebouxia. Thallus: C-, K + yellow then blood red, KC-, P + orange. Medulla; I +. Mediterranean thermophilic species found on exposed rocks rich in limestone.