Fuscidea cyathoides var. corticola (Fr.) Kalbr.
Fuscidea stiriaca (A. Massal.) Hafelner
Fuscidea fageticola (Zschake) Hafelner & Türk
Thallus crustose, more or less rimose and cracked, greyish, gray-brown, gray-olive, sometimes delimited by a brown-blackish hypothallus. Apothecia scattered throughout the thallus, sessile, lecidein, more or less irregular, 1-1.5 mm in diameter, disc dark brown, proper margin distinct, flexuous, somewhat paler than disc. Simple spores, hyaline then brownish, broadly elliptical or "bean", 9-12 x 4-6 µm. Pycnidia abundant, immersed in the thallus, brown. Photobiont: chlorococcoid. C-, K + brown-yellow, KC-, P + red-rust. In the mountains on the bark of trees and particularly of Fagus.