Cladonia deformis (L.) Hoffm. ss. auct. europ. pp.
= Cladonia sulphurina pp.
Cladonia sulphurina ss. stric.
Primary thallus formed of small greenish-gray squamules, usually not very persistent. Podetia 2-6 cm high, gray-yellowish becoming ochre-orange at the base by necrosis, terminated by a slender relatively regular scyphus with a cup 5-8 mm in diameter with more or less toothed edges; the podetia are sometimes fissured or with depressions, very finely sorediate except at the base which is more or less scaly or corticate. Globular apothecia 2-4 mm in diameter, bright red, rare. Pycnidia usually numerous, ovoid, red, at the margin of the scyphus. C-, K-, KC +/- pale yellow, P-. Species with continental tendencies coming on soils rich in humus, more rarely on rotten wood.
N.B. Herbarium samples are covered with a layer of yellowish zeorin. Cladonia pleurota is very similar but has granular soredia.
N.B. Very often confused with Cladonia sulphurina which is very similar and sometimes synonymized, but it is more yellowish, has more deformed scyphae and especially UV+ white. It is also mountainous and northern but would be more common.