Taeniolella phaeophyscia D. Hawksw.
Non-lichenized lichenicolous fungus.
Very discreet species (and most often going unnoticed) appearing in the form of tiny "hairs" = conidiophores on the surface of the host's thallus. The brown hyphae of this fungus are included in the thallus and are only visible under a microscope. The conidiophores are relatively similar to the hyphae, blackish-brown they have an appearance of "upright hairs" and are arranged on the surface of the thallus, alone or in small tufts of 40-150 µm in height and 7-9 µm in width, they are made up of a chain of conidia, separated by a slight constriction, developing from a terminal conidiogenic cell very similar to conidia. Conidia dark brown,1-septate, sometimes with guttules in the cells, 18-25 x 7-9 µm. Species occurring mainly on Phaeophyscia and mainly on Phaeophyscia orbicularis.