Scytinium pulvinatum (Hoffm.) Otarola, P.M. Jorg et Wedim
Leptogium pulvinatum
Leptogium lichenoides var. pulvinatum
Thallus apparently foliose, gelatinous in humid weather, arranged on its substrate in pads or pillows of 2-4 cm, formed of lobes 2-5 mm wide, very tight and erect, with a very jagged and as if torn top, smooth and shiny surface without isidia, dark brown in wet weather, blackish-brown in dry weather. Apothecia absent or rare and few, 0.3-0.6 mm in diameter, disc concave, reddish-brown, brownish, thicker margin paler. Spores colorless, submuriform to elliptical, 30-45 x 13-17 µm. Phobionte: Nostoc. No significant color reactions to the usual reagents. Saxicolous species coming among the mosses of more or less calcareous or slightly acidic rocks where it forms small pads or pillows.
See Scytinium lichenoides (sometimes synonymized) which does not form pads and whose lobes are provided with marginal isidia.