Agyrium rufum (Pers.) Fr.
"Thallus" immersed in the wood and hardly visible, except sometimes in the form of a slight discoloration. Apothecia usually numerous, emerging in the veins of the wood then sessile (as placed on the wood), irregularly rounded or oval, convex if old, 0.2-1 mm, red-orange, red, then brown-orange , formed of anastomosed hyphae sometimes trapping algae. Hymenium I + blue, K + red-purplish, branched and anastomosed paraphyses (appearance of a "necklace of angular pearls ". Elongated asci, claved, 40-70 x 18-25 µm with a partially I + blue top. Simple ascospores, hyaline, sometimes with a large globule in the center, 10-15 x 6-8 µm according to the literature, 14-16 x 5-7 µm according to our measurements. "Thallus": C-, K-, KC-, P-; apothecia: K +/- purple Species very inconspicuous and probably neglected, with mountain tendencies, coming on wood, particularly peeled twigs, conifers (here on Cupressus).
N.B. Species considered not to be strictly lichenized but which according to some authors could be considered occasionally as partially lichenized.
N.B. Often confused with certain species of Xylographa.