Cladonia rangiformis morpho pungens.
Can be distinguished (sometimes with difficulty!) from Cladonia rangiformis by its more greenish general coloration, its podetia with frequent squamules, more slender and with tapered ends sometimes sinuous and its thermophilic and non-coastal Mediterranean tendencies.
N.B. Variety synonymized with Cladonia rangiformis by many authors (or reduced to the rank of ecoform) because there are many intermediate forms.
N.B. Do not confuse with Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata var. corymbosa and especially Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata var. pinnata, the podetia surface of which is not mottled.
N.B. This taxon can be sorediate, see: Cladonia rangiformis morpho sorediophora.