Cladonia pulvinata (Sandst.) van Herk & Aproot
Cladonia cervicornis subsp. pulvinata (Sandst.) Ahti
Persistent primary thallus formed of squamules 4-7 mm long with incised and curved ends, upper surface grey-greenish, lower surface whitish a little yellowish. Podetions 1-2 cm high, strongly areolate and corticated surface, blackish at the base, slender scyphae in 2 or 3 tiers. Rare, brownish apothecia. Pycnidia numerous at the margin of the scyphae, pear-shaped, brown. C-, K-, KC-, P+ bright yellow. Rare species in our prospecting area, growing on stony or sandy soils, in particular mine or quarry debris under oceanic influence.
Differs from Cladonia verticillata by its more slender scyphae and especially its bright yellow P+ reaction.