Sarcogyne oceanica Knudsen et Kocourk Cf.
Endolithic thallus very inconspicuous, greyish. Apothecia sessile to slightly stipitate, 0.5-1 mm in diameter, not multiplying by division (or very little), rounded to slightly irregular, disk flat to slightly convex, not pruinose, red-brown, margin distinct and embossed above disc, 80-100 µm wide and high, black. Hyaline hypothecium. Claved asci containing a hundred spores. Spores, hyaline, 4-5 x 1-2 µm. No significant color chemical reactions. Recently described and still poorly known species, found on maritime granitic rocks (Channel Islands).
N.B. Species confused with Sarcogyne hypophaea but which differs from it by its colorless hypothecium.
N.B. Taxon very difficult to interpret, the descriptions being very confused and sometimes contradictory, this is why we give this determination with the usual reservations...