Lepra monogona forme sur surface rocheuse verticale.
Thallus relatively thick, strongly cracked and areolate, with numerous small fertile warts, containing at their top 1-(3) apothecia, grey-whitish, important hypothallus more or less bumpy, concolorous. Apothecia at first completely immersed at the top of the warts and closed, then opening with a slit and finally oval in shape, disc flat, blackish but more or less covered with a pruinous whitish "veil", margin slightly raised at the end, whitish. Asci with 1 spore. Relatively thin-walled ovoid ascospores, 100-300 x 50-100 µm. Thallus: C-, K+ yellow then red, KC+ yellow with reddish, P+ yellow-orange. Taxon found on the vertical surfaces of granite rocks in the aerohaline zone.