Paralecanographa grumulosa forme parasite de Dirina massiliensis forma massiliensis Taxon méditerranéen des rochers calcaires.
Thallus (in reality at the beginning that of the host!) crustose, strongly attached to its substrate, thick, more or less smooth, white, whitish, greyish-white. Apothecia at first immersed in the thallus of the host then sessile, round at first then lirella-shaped with rounded ends, simple, more or less star-shaped, stellate, etc., very deformed and sinuous, at the end the apothecia looks more like to a deformed amoeba than to a lirella, margin raised when mature, not pruinose, black, disc black but appearing grayish to bluish-grey in bloom. Asci clavate with 8 spores. Ascospores hyaline but becoming somewhat brownish when ripe, fusiform, (2)-3 septate but 4-5 septate when fully mature, thick-walled with gelatinous perispore becoming somewhat granular at maturity, 14-23 x 3-5 µm according to the literature; 13-17 x 3-4 (5) µm according to our measurements. Photobiont: Trentepohlia (from the host?). Thallus: C+ pink to red, K-, KC+ pink to red, P- (host thallus reactions?). Mediterranean and Macaronesian species growing on the Dirina massiliensis forma massiliensis (or the Dirina ceratoniae?) of the limestone rocks by the sea.
N.B. Species of which it is discussed whether it is lichenized or not. In practice, according to our observations, this taxon is parasitic at the beginning of Dirina massiliensis s.l then becomes lichenicolous at the end (at least by its apothecia).
N.B. Quite similar to Alyxoria subelevata but the latter species is not parasitic at first, its true lirellae end in a point and its spores remain smooth and tend not to have more than 3 septa when mature.