Ramalina europaea Cf. Gasparyan, Sipman et Lücking
Thallus in a small erect or pendent bush, formed, especially towards its base, of lobes flattened into strips, 1-3 cm long, surface a little veined or embossed, pale yellowish-green, pale greenish. These lobes are more or less ramified and have fine ends very divided into small nodules or small spines more or less curved into a hook. These spines carry punctiform soralia at their ends containing white mealy soredia. Apothecia very rare and most often absent. Spores broadly elliptical, straight or curved, 1-septate, 10-15 x 4-5 µm. Photobiont: chlorococcoid. C-, K-, KC-, P-, UV-. Species found on tree bark or rocks.
N.B. Species described from central Europe and recently differentiated from the group of Ramalina pollinaria, we present this species with the usual reservations because the characters used for its separation from Ramalina pollinaria are quantitative and unreliable.