Protoparmelia montagnei (Fr.) Poelt & Nimiz chemo. montagnei
Thallus crustose quite strongly attached to the substrate, sometimes a little lobed at the periphery, brownish, brown in dry weather, olive-brown in humid weather, sometimes with a blackish prothallus (at least in youth). Apothecia generally numerous, sessile, 1-3 mm in diameter, flat disc, a little shiny, brownish, persistent thalline rim concolorous to the thallus. Spores simple, long elliptical, rounded at the ends, 9-12 x 2.5-4 µm. Photobiont: Trebouxioid. Medulla (upper surface): C-, K- (sometimes K+/- yellow (by contamination or particular taxon?)), KC+ pink to reddish, P-, UV+ white. Saxicolous species occuring on silicate rocks from the seaside to the neighboring hills. Seems to be parasitic (at least initially) on various species of saxicolous crustose lichens (Aspicilia, Diploschistes, Rhizocarpons...).
_ Be careful with certain non-mountain forms of Protoparmelia badia whose spores have pointed ends.