Parmotrema pseudoreticulatum (Tav.) Hale Cf.
Species very similar to Parmotrema reticulatum but which differs in its thallus of 5-15 cm at its greatest length, formed of relatively thick lobes and straightened at the ends, with labriform marginal soralia but without (or very rare) cilia, upper surface with a network of reticulations reduced and limited to the young lobes, lower surface smooth and without rhizines at the margin of the lobes. C-, KC-, K+ red-orange brown, P+ red-orange. Species with thermophilic tendencies growing on the branches of the canopy of deciduous trees (mainly Quercus) in oceanic forests.
Taxon very diversely interpreted (and sometimes contested!) or synonymized with Parmotrema reticulatum, but molecular biology analyzes demonstrated that Parmotrema pseudoreticulatum was different and made up of an aggregate of taxa, these analyzes not having been carried out we present this species with the usual reservations and Cf.