Ramalina lacera (With.) J. R. Laundon
Thallus tufted, 5 cm long or more, lobes lacerate more or less strap-shaped, erect or stretched out, flexible, usually wide towards the base, to 1-2 cm, apices lacerate, 1-2 mm wide, surface matt, minutely reticulate, medulla dense, not hollow, subcortex lacking cartilaginous tissue, grey-green, grey-yellowish, grey-bluish, soralia abundant, laminal and terminal and possibly merging at lobe apices, soredia farinose, 20-40 µm diam.. Apothecia unknown, nevertheless see pictures below demonstrating that some colonies may have apothecia - to be confirmed. Photobiont: Trebouxioid. Medulla and soredia: C-, K-, KC-, Pd-. UV -. Species with strong coastal affinities coming on the bushes, the small trees and the rocks of the seaside (see: Ramalina lacera forme saxicole) in very windy areas. Easy to confuse with Ramallina pollinaria whose lobes are, especially at the margin, covered with small nodules and Ramalina canariensis whose lobes are wider and more or less hollow and whose soralia arise from terminal vesicles.