Syncesia myrticola (Fée) Tehler morph apothécié.
Chiodecton petraeum Delise ex Duby
Chiodecton albidum (Taylor) Leight.
Syncesia albida Taylor
Enterographa sorediata p.p.
Thallus wide-spreading, to 10 cm across, irregular, thick, nodulous or even cerebroid, madrepore-like, some nodules and foldings may reach 1 cm thick, fragile, felted-like, water-repellent, chalk concretion shaped, chalk or grey-white to pale grey, whitish tinged pink or brown-pink to beige-pink, dull pink-violet purple when old (N.B. Wounds often allow to see the yellow-orange photobiont). Fruiting bodies with characteristic shape: cubicles included in the thallus and initially appearing externally as cerebriform patches or well-worn ruminant molar shaped or madrepore-like on a white chalk-like thallus, then spreading as irregular discs, innate and little prominent, blackish, covered with a white long lasting pruine, the thallus then turns to dull beige-grey. Asci club-shaped, weakly amyloid, 90-100 x 25-30 µm according to our measurements, containing 8 spores. Colorless fusiform spores with unequal (one tapering, one rounded), straight or slightly curved ends, (1)-(2)-3- septate, 35-44 x 4-5 µm according to the literature; 36-45 (50) x 4-5 (6) µm according to our measurements. Photobiont: Trentepohlia. Thallus : C-, K-, Pd+ red-orange (but sometimes difficult to interpret due to interference from the parasitized host). Mediterranean or Macaronesian coastal species usually growing on bark and rocks. In Brittany, our usual prospection area, this species seems to be restricted to vertical walls or overhangs protected from rain on rocks in highly exposed foreshore locations, frequently in association with Roccella fuciformis ou Roccella phycopsis of which the colour is rather similar and also with species belonging to the Sclerophytetum circumscriptae.
N.B. Extraordinarily variable species and sometimes difficult to recognize especially for the specimens closely mixed with the species of crustose lichens with Trentepohlia which it seems to parasitize or with which it seems to compete for the photobiont Trentepohlia.
N.B. This taxon with inextricable synonymy deserves a complete revision because it is not impossible that the taxa of Brittany are in fact parasitic taxa in the same way as "Lecanographa grumulosa s.l." and which therefore should perhaps be separated, see for example: Syncesia myrticola parasite de Roccella phycopsis, Syncesia myrticola forme parasite de Dirina fallax, Syncesia myrticola forme parasite de Dirina massiliensis forma massiliensis taxon méditerranéen des rochers calcaires.
See the more corticolous sorediate form: Syncesia myrticola morph sorédié.
Damien ERTZ, Brian COPPINS, Nell A. SANDERSON. The Britih endemic Enterographa sorediata is the widespread Syncesia myrticola (Roccellaceae, Arthoniales). The Lichenologist 50(2): 153-160 (2018).