Cladonia uncialis (L.) F. H. Wigg. subsp. uncialis
This taxon is very similar to Cladonia uncialis subsp. biuncialis but differs by its tufts displaying a higher density of podetia more or less erected and dichotomous with often perforated axils and ending in 4-6 short branches, the internal surface of the hollow branches is fibrous to a little powdery, the pinkish-brown terminal tips are often arranged in a star shape around the central orifice (resembles to a cup or a crown appearance). Pycnidia and apothecia rather frequent. Photobiont : trebouxioide. On grey dunes and acid sandy or gravelly soils, much more uncommon than subsp. biuncialis.
N.B. Formerly these two taxa were not separate or considered as morphotypes or varieties and hereafter we present our pictures with the usual restrictions as far as the subsp. uncialis is considered, since many puzzling intermediate specimen seem to be found and are difficult to assign to one or the other subsp.; a picture of this taxon taken in the Alps is presented for comparison.
N.B. Many modern authors do not distinguish two species, because the differences in molecular phylogeny are minimal, and remain at the subspecies level to respect "tradition".