Cladonia fimbriata (L.) Fr.
Primary thallus made of small basal bright green squamules, indented, sometimes slightly sorediate; podetia slender 1-2 cm tall, consisting of a thin stalk abruptly topped by a scyphus 3-5 mm diam., (goblet-shaped or like a golf tee), grey-greenish farinose-sorediate throughout, including base and within scyphus, the margin of the cups is often very finely lacerated. Apothecia infrequent on scyphus margins, brown. Photobiont : trebouxioide. C-, K- or K+ yellow, KC- or KC+ brown, Pd+ orange-red. Common, on rotten wood, soil enriched in ligneous debris and even soil recently turned-over.
N.B. Cladonia chlorophaea s.l. has bigger scyphi, less slender and corticate with progressive transition between stalk and scyphus and frequent apothecia.