Cladonia pyxidata (L.) Hoffm.
Primary thallus made of small basal squamules, margins minutely incised, upper surface pale grey-greenish, very pale grey-green to whitish below. Podetia up to 1-2 cm tall, gradually widening from base to top to form a scyphus, 0.5-1 cm diam., brown-greenish corticate, covered, including inside, with large green granules (aspect of thick and lenticular squamules), soredia absent. Apothecia rare, small, brown, at scyphi margin. Photobiont : Trebouxioid. C-, K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Rare in our prospection area, on weakly alkaline substrata: wood, rock, walls, calcareous sandy soils. See also Cladonia cyathomorpha growing on vertical humid walls of rocks with rare scyphi and lower surface of squamules brown-lilac grained. N.B. Cladonia pocillum, displays basal squamules well developed, forming rosette; it might be an ecotype. See also Cladonia chlorophaea, sorediate, scyphi more slender.*