Peltigera malacea (Ach.) Funck.
Thallus foliose, to 10-20 across, formed by large lobes of 1-3 cm wide and 5-10 cm long, fewly imbricate, thick, margin raised upwards and more or less reeled on itself, irregular, sometimes edged with somewhat small felted clusters and even small tufts of hair, upper surface glossy, brown-olivaceous tinged blue, dark olive when dry, greenish to olivaceous tinged blue when moist, lower surface tomentose to moderately felted, very pale brownish to whitish towards the margins, markedly felted, greyish to blackish towards the center, without visible veins albeit more or less circular or oval smooth zones here and there (mostly towards the margin), looking like cyphelia as for Sticta, some brush-like rhizines, notably towards the center, dark grey. Apothecia very rare, raised at tip of lobes, rounded to oblong, disc dark brown-red, exciple crenulate. Ascospores very elongate-fusiform, 3-5-septate, 55-70 x 5-6 µm. Chemical spot tests negative (C+ red sometimes according to certain British authors, but we did not observe it and it is in contradiction with the absence of lichen substances and only terpenes?). Photobiont: Nostoc in clusters and not in chains. Rare in our prospection area (or understated or mistaken?), on sandy / rocky acid grounds and very exposed (Top of the coastal cliffs). Cf. Peltigera hymenina whose upper side is more grey and lower side more veiny.