Xanthoparmelia pulla (Ach.) O. Blanco & al.
Neofuscelia pulla (Ach.) Essl.
Parmelia pulla Ach.
Thallus foliose, up to 15 cm diam., lobes ± overlapping, pleated, wrinkled, upper surface shiny and ± reticulate, brown-greyish, brown-yellowish to dark brown when dry, and yellow-greenish, brown-greenish, greenish when soaked, often with small black dots (pycnidia, parasite?), isidia absent, lower surface black with simple rhizines. Apothecia in general numerous, immature and mature in combination, 2-8 mm diam., disc dark brown when dry, greenish when moist, exciple distinct and regular at first, sligthly sinuous and contorted when old. Ascospores simple, ellipsoid, 7-11 x 4-6 µm. Photobiont : Trebouxioid. Cortex : K-, medulla : C± pink, K-, KC+ pink, Pd-. Not widespread in our prospection area, maritime trends, found in the xeric-supralittoral zone on well-lit siliceous rocks but also inland. On the field, not to be confused with Anaptychia runcinata that shows more greenish colours when moist and with lobe margins much more indented and with straps. In addition, this very variable species, that probably comprises several taxa, should not be confused with other species growing on the same type of rocks, but of which the thalli bear numerous isidia, like for example: Xanthoparmelia loxodes ; Xanthoparmelia verruculifera ; and also the rare Xanthoparmelia delisei that differs by its chemical reactions and some other macroscopic morphological traits. Many other taxa have been described that would be chemotypes, notably Xanthoparmelia perrugata (Nyl.) O. Blanco & al. that grows in the xeric supralittroal zone and differing only by its slightly different chemical reactions and probably it is the morphotype that is presented here. On iron-rich rocks highly exposed to seaspray a different morph devoid of large apothecia, but with numerous minute aborted and infertile apothecia, may be found: Xanthoparmelia pulla f. *