Cladonia incrassata Flörke
Primary thallus forming cushions, of numerous squamules 2-4 mm, margins markedly incised and crenulate, upper surface green-yellow sometimes with orange spots, lower surface white-greenish covered by granular or farinose soredia, yellow-greenish. Podetia rare, emerging from squamules, 2-5 mm tall, irregular and often distorted, more or less erected, corticate and sorediate. Apothecia, red, minute, 0.2-0.6 mm diam., at the top of podetia or directly on squamules. Rare pycnidia at the margin of the scyphus, more frequent on the squamules of the primary thallus, more or less spherical, brown-red then brown, containing a reddish jelly. Photobiont : Trebouxioid. Thallus : C-, K- (seldom K+ yellow), KC+ yellow (seldom KC-), Pd- (seldom Pd+ yellow), UV+ white-blue ( 3 chemotypes are known). Rare in our propection area, on rotten wood, humid humus of Calluna heathlands. Species often sterile and in this case watch out for Cladonia parasitica but this last species has pycnidia and no soredia and thinner and more divided scales.