Enterographa elaborata (Lyell. ex Leight.) Coppins & James Cf.
Opegrapha venosa Sm. non Pers.
Thallus crustose, rather thick, tightly appressed to its substratum, smooth and shiny, pale cream-brown, cream-greenish, cream-yellowish, very pale pink-brown, pale brown. Apothecia totally immersed and not protruding, long and sinuous, rarely branched or stellate, 0.5-3 x 0.1-0.2 mm, brown-purplish, purple-black. Ascospores in-between fusiform to acicular, straight to sligthly curved, 5- to 12-septate, 25-50 x 3-4 µm (on mature ascospores sometimes difficult to found). Photobiont: Trentepohlia. C- or C+/- red, K- or +/- dull yellow, Pd+/- yellow-orange (the coloured reactions are ambiguous unless observed under magnification lens and on herbarium specimen). Rare, on bark at the base of deciduous trees preferentially in shaded seepage tracks, in old humid oceanic woodlands. N.B. Discussion relative to this taxon is rather difficult owing to the fact that all transition specimen with Enterographa hutchinsiae s.l. growing on bark exist; specimen presented here could also be refered as Enterographa venosa (Pers.) A. Massal. and the Enterographa elaborata s. str. denomination restricted to paler brown specimen. However, a more detailed distinction would require the use of molecular tools and phylogenetic methods.*