Ingaderia vandenboomii forme des murs des chapelles.
= Llimonaea sorediata forme des murs des chapelles.
This luxuriant form may built large mosaics and cover large surfaces. Differs from the type by numerous mounds of soredia, pink ochre-pink to pinkish at first, then ochre-brown to ochre-gray when old. Thallus very thin, whitish, surrounded with radiating fibrils at first, then smooth turning to markedly granulose. When old, still sterile, thallus irregular and puffed up, almost placodioid, dull grey; prothallus distinct, conspicuous, black and fibrillous at first, turning to grey-brown and sometimes belted when old. This form grows on old siliceous walls alkalinized by mortar leaching and notably of old chapels near the seashore and notably on east and north walls of chapels near the sea.
N.B. Almost always associated and confused with Dirina massiliensis forma sorediata but which differs by its brownish hypothallus and its weak and fleeting C+ reaction. Both species are often found together with their parasite Lecanographa grumulosa that induces huge morphological modifications and makes identification difficult.