Cladonia cyathomorpha Stirt. ex W. Watson
Primary thallus made of large basal squamules, 5-10 mm diam., ± erected, often upwardly recurved at margins, ± rounded, indented, upper surface grey-green when dry, green when humid, lower surface white with raised, palmately arranged pale pink-brown, pale yellow-brown to pale brown-purple veins radiating from their point of attachment (like the Peltigera but less clear)(N.B. This coloration intensifies a little under the action of K on the dry or herbarium samples). Podetia scyphus-shaped, scarce, to 0.5-1 cm tall, regular, gradually flared to form a funnel-shaped scyphus, coarsely corticate, granulose to squamulose. Apothecia very rare, brown, pycnidia more frequent, brown, on scyphus rims. Thallus : C-, K+ yellow, KC-, Pd+ golden-yellow > red, UV-. Uncommon species occurring on wet vertical faces and in the shade of mossy acid rocks in humid oceanic forests. Cf. Species of the group of Cladonia pyxidata but this last species has a different habitat (sunnier and less humid) and does not have venules on the underside of the primary squamules, the scyphs are also more strongly granular.