Cladonia foliacea morph. convoluta
= Cladonia convoluta (Lam.) Anders
Cladonia foliacea subsp. endiviifolia p.p. (Dicks.) Boistel
Thallus composed of large squamules, 1-4 x 0.5-1 cm, more or less folded, cornet-like, variable according to the hygrometry level, upper surface typically yellow-green, lower surface whitish, small clusters of black rhizines sometimes present at squamules margins. Apothecia and pycnidia very rare. Thallus: C-, K-, KC+ yellow, Pd+ red. Thermophilic species, grows in cracks or at the base of calcareous rocks.
This taxon is very similar and synonymous of Cladonia foliacea morph. endiviifolia.