Cladonia glauca Flörke
Thallus squamulose, primary thallus made of minute squamules, indented, inconspicuous, grey-greenish. Podetia simple, erect, 2-5 cm tall, apices pointed, mostly simple or 2-3-branched, hollow, some typically with an inconspicuous longitudinal furrow-like or slit-like fissure, markedly squamulose towards the base and sorediate at apices, greyish when dry and grey-greenish when moist. Apothecia at apices of podetia, brown, very rare. C-, K-, KC-, Pd-, UV+ pale bright blue. Rare (or understated) species, in heathlands more or less wooded, on ground amongst ligneous debris or decayed wood. See Cladonia subulata of which the podetium apices have digitate and antenna-like branchings and is Pd+ red. See also Cladonia coniocraea of which the podetium apices have a small scyphi and is Pd+ red, and Cladonia rei, not furrowed and with farinose soredia, usually Pd+ yellow-orange.