Ramalina cuspidata Chem. cuspidata forma armorica
Ramalina cuspidata Chem b p.p.
Ramalina armorica Nyl.
This rare morph of Ramalina cuspidata s.l most often is erect, branches spreading from a unique holdfast, small tuft-forming, branches more or less flattened towards the base, apices terete with an oval middle section (young branches are terete), base and apec usually not blackish (this trait is highly variable and not very reliable since black spots often are the result of necrosis or parasites as demonstrated here - see pictures. Overall colour: pale grey-greenish to dull whitish. Apothecia abundant, often terminal. Very close to Ramalina cuspidata Chem. cuspidata f. cuspidata and similarly Chem b = C-, K+ yellow +/- orange, KC+ yellow +/- orange, Pd+ orange. On sheltered, nutrient-rich rocks, notably in estuaries together with Xanthoria aureola, Xanthoria parietina and Anaptychia runcinata. All intermediate specimen with Ramalina cuspidata Chem. cuspidata f. cuspidata may be found.*