Syzygospora physciacearum Diederich & M. S. Christ.
Basidiomycota fungus parasite of Physcia.
This species is mainly visible by its distinct dark coloured small galls. Galls, 0.2-1 mm diam., at first flat, wart-like, embedded within the host thallus, then more or less sessile and finally tuberculate, pinkish-carmine at first turning to beige-pink and finally brownish or blackish. Basidia broadly cylindrical, aseptate, some with epibasidia, cylindrical, narrow, subulate with 3 sterigmata, basidiospores highly variable, ellipsoid or ovoid to almost limoniform, 7.5-11 x 3.5-6.5 µm. Probably common but rather inconspicuous and therefore understated, mainly found on thalli of Physcia, but according to literature also found on Physconia and Heterodermia, often inducing the formation of galls.