Baeomyces carneus Flörke
Thallus crust-like, rather thick, 0.3-0.8 mm thick, to 5-10 cm across, composed of mixed compact granules and squamules, cracked to areolate, upper surface rough with sometimes -although rarely- soralia and most frequently schizidia, disc-shaped, 0.2-0.3 mm diam., pale dull ochraceous, pale grey-brown, pale brown-ochre when dry, grey-greenish tinged wine red or green when moist, margin potentially and faintly placodioid. Apothecia more or less numerous, globose or flattened, markedly sessile or minutely squamulose stalked, to 0.5-3 mm tall, brown-red, brownish. Ascospores colourless, simple or potentially 1-septate, narrowly ellipsoid, 8-12 x 2,5-4,5 µm. Photobiont: Coccomyces. Apothecia: K+ red; thallus: C-, K+ yellow > red, KC+ yellow to red, Pd+ orange. Rare, montane trends, on the base of siliceous rocks or on ground in heaths. See Baeomyces rufus of which the thallus is minutely granulose, greenish, K+ yellow and KC+ yellow. See also Dibaeis baeomyces a of which the thallus is markedly granulose, greyish, K+ yellow > orange and Icmadophila ericetorum with a minutely granulose thallus, blue-green to greyish, K+ orange, KC+ orange. N.B. Species very variable in appearance depending on whether it is young or old, dry or wet.