Protoparmelia montagnei chemo aquilina forme de régénérescence.
Thallus first appearing as a warty excressences, more or less globular, 1-3 cm in diameter, then this very thick thallus spreads out and invades the entire thallus of its host in the form of small islets verrucous separated by crevices and in certain favorable cases it can completely excluding the thallus of the host and grows alone, becoming less thick with a margin somewhat lobed by narrow lobes. Spores of (7) 8-10 (11) x 3-4 µm according to our measurements. This curiosity always appears on the old thalli of Protoparmelia montagnei morpho aquilina coming to the seaside on very exposed rocks, it presents a coloring which contrasts strongly with that of the host, rather bright yellow-brown, the center being strongly warty with usually malformed and sterile apothecia with a dark brown disc and a thick margin, only pycnospores of 8-11 x 0.7-1 µm are observed. Specimens with well-formed and fertile apothecia are rare and the apothecia then have an unusual warty margin and spores of (7) 8-10 (11) x 3-4 µm according to our measurements. It does not appear to be a Rimularia, nor Protoparmelia atriseda, which seems to us to be something else; it therefore seems that this is a form of regeneration (with a new photobiont?) of Protoparmelia montagnei chemo aquilina. N.B. this "curiosity" deserves study to determine its exact status ...