Lecania inundata (Hepp ex Körb.) Maryhofer
Thallus relatively thick, subsquamular, with areoles separated by deep crevices, covered in places with groups of pale 0.1 mm nodules, pale gray-brownish with a translucent top when dry, swelling and turning green with moisture, Sessile apothecia 0.3-0.5 mm in diameter, sometimes in groups, disc flat then convex, orange to dark brown, not or rarely pruinose, margin clear and swollen, persistent, sometimes a little cracked which gives it an appearance somewhat crenate, greyish to pale brownish. Elliptical spores, 1-times septate, 12-18 x 5-7 µm according to the literature, 11-16 x 4-6 µm according to our measurements. C-, K-, KC-, P-. Species occurring on humid limestone rocks and wet limestone walls, often near or on Verrucaria, in particular Verrucaria nigrescens. N.B. Easy to confuse with Lecania erysibe which can come nearby but which differs by the presence of blastidia smaller than the nodules and more dispersed apothecia .