Lecanora strobilina (Spreng.) Kieff
Lecanora conizaea auct.
Thallus crustose, thin and superficial, smooth, mealy and finely granular with soredia, sometimes resinous in appearance (especially if sterile), light yellowish, yellowish-white, pale yellowish-green, pale greenish-gray, poorly demarcated margin. Apothecia absent or numerous and close together, irregular, slightly sessile, 0.2-0.8 mm in diameter, disc flat, livid gray-brownish, pale gray-greenish-brown, pale ochraceous, granular margin. Colorless spores, elliptical in length, straight or slightly kidney-shaped, 10-14 x 3-5 µm according to the literature, 10-15 x 3.5-4.5 µm according to our measurements. Photobiont: Trebouxia. Thallus: C-, K +/- weak yellowish, KC +/- weak yellow, P-, UV: pale orange. Rare species occurring on acid bark (Calluna, Pinus, ...) and anecdotally on pine cones, see: Lecanora strobilina forme sur cône de conjfère.
NB. Species easy to confuse with Lecanora conizaeoides with a more granular thallus and P + orange, with Lecanora confusa which is C + orange, KC + orange and not soredial (NB sometimes synonymized or not separated by some authors) and Lecanora symmicta with more convex, more or less apothecia borderless and with a thallus C +/- orange and which has slightly larger spores.