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Aerohaline zone

Characterize the zone subjected to seaspray. This zone is more or less extensive (from x.100 m to 3 km) depending on topography and the dominant wind exposure. This zone habours halophilic and halotolerant species.

Species living in this habitat:
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   X  
Enchylium tenax var. ceranoides (Borrer) Cl. Roux comb. prov.
Enterographa hutchinsiae Cf. forme des rochers côtiers secs.
Enterographa hutchinsiae forme des rochers côtiers humides.
Enterographa pitardii (B. de Lesd.) Redinger
Evernia prunastri var. arenaria (Retz) Fr.
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