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Aerohaline zone

Characterize the zone subjected to seaspray. This zone is more or less extensive (from x.100 m to 3 km) depending on topography and the dominant wind exposure. This zone habours halophilic and halotolerant species.

Species living in this habitat:
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U   V   X  
Herteliana gagei  forme saxicole des rivages exposés
Heterodermia leucomela (L.) Poelt
Heterodermia propagulifera (Vain.) J.P. Dey écomorph isidié-sorédié (blastidié). Séquencé.
Hypogymnia physodes  forme des landes aérohalines.
Hypogymnia tubulosa forme saxicole
Hypogymnia tubulosa forme sur substrats artificiels.
Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta forme sur substrats artificiels.
Hypotrachyna britannica (D. Hawksw. & P. James) Barbero
Hypotrachyna horrescens forme saxicole maritime.
Hypotrachyna minarum forme corticole
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